How to increase your chances in visa obtaining with Houston Immigration Attorneys

15-01-2021, 22:03
How to increase your chances in visa obtaining with Houston Immigration Attorneys
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Obtaining an H1B work visa in the U.S. seems like a complicated process, but in fact, the chances of success are high when all the requirements are met with perm labor certification attorney assistance. The main problem is the availability of quotas, so you need to collect all the documents as soon as possible, apply and sign up for an interview.

Possible reasons for US visa rejection

No applicant can be 100% sure that they will receive a work visa to the United States. It may be refused for the following reasons:

  • Skill mismatch: a non-equivalent U.S. university degree, or an undocumented work experience.
  • Poor English proficiency.
  • Insufficient data provided. if someone doesn't use immigration h1b lawyer services this problem may arise on the part of both the applicant and the employing company. In this case, the employer may be sent a request for additional information.
  • Identified falsification of documents or suspicion of their authenticity.
  • Instability of the employer company's financial position.
  • Excess of the limit of working visas for this year. The quota can be exceeded in a matter of days, so it is necessary to hurry up with the application and all documents.
  • Refusal of the U.S. Labor Department.
  • Suspicion of the applicant's immigration intentions. Suspicions may occur to a consular officer during an interview because he asks various clarifying questions. The reason for this may be the presence of relatives who migrated to the United States and the identification of a relative or romantic relationship with the employer.
  • The applicant's appearance or behavior during the interview may be suspicious. Suspicions of a consular officer may arise from nervousness, confusion in the answers, inconsistency with the documents provided, and the information in the application.

Stages of visa obtaining

To get an H1B visa in the U.S., you must first find an employer who needs a foreign specialist. Then the employer must file a petition with USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services). The petition is reviewed by the USCIS and may take up to 4 months. Employers and professionals will be notified by email of any decision. If the decision is positive, the following steps are pending:

  • Gather the necessary documentation package. houston immigration attorney is necessary at this stage. You should submit them to the interview, but it is better to collect them in advance because it is recommended to make an appointment for the next free date.
  • Payment of the Consular Fee.
  • Filling in the visa application form. It is necessary to fill in and send it before the interview.
  • Make an appointment for an interview at the US Consulate.
  • Completing the interview.
  • Waiting for a decision - may take up to six months.